You can choose to rely on our service to answer the phone, welcome guests, receive mail and faxes and support you in the daily management of your business.
There are several setting up proposals but it is also possible to customize the office on request.
The service includes:
• Contract 3 months - at least
• Prepayment 1 month
• Deposit guarantee tax-free - non-interest bearing
• Fax centralized reception
• Use of our address for your correspondence
PRICES 2017:
We offer 3 typologies of office:
SMALL - 1 o 2 desks - euro 350,00/month
MEDIUM - 1 o 2 desks - euro 480,00 - 500,00/month
LARGE - from 2 to 5/6 desls - starting from euro 800,00/month
Prices excluding VAT